Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Deer is Down Again

My parents have a fake female deer in the backyard.  I believe the theory is the fake deer will attract the wild deer in the area, and there is nothing my parents love more than watching deer in their backyard.
Lately the fake deer has been a little too good at its job. (I should mention that it’s mating season.)  When I was home last weekend we woke up to discover the deer had been knocked over by a frustrated male suitor. Melissa and I found this hilarious and sad all at the same time. I began to argue that it was almost mean to leave the fake doe in the backyard at this time of year, but mom and dad weren’t hearing it.  This morning, I called and spoke to Melissa who said, “I was just about to call you—the deer is down again.” Apparently the downed deer explains some weird noises she and mom heard in the middle of the night last night.
Despite being woken by strange deer noise, Melissa slept really well last night. She also got some good sleep during the chemo treatment yesterday thanks to the magic of Benadryl. Other than that the treatment was fairly uneventful.  She read a magazine; she hung out with dad.  She is still feeling pretty fatigued, but the doctors say that should improve once the chemo has a chance to take care of business.  As far as side effects from the chemo, she is okay today. The doctors said to expect “a good day” today, to be followed by around three “bad days.” Obviously each person reacts differently. 
So, we’ll know more tomorrow.

*While signing in to post this, my sister called me for a video chat to tell me what channel the Va Tech game is on.  Video chat is the coolest thing ever.


  1. hahahahahahahaha.. well im glad that caused some hilarity to happen among the Cheliras household, but that poor fake deer!

  2. Your flamingoes look like they are doing a tango, in line-dance formation.
